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Support Group


Shepherd of the Hills offers a wide variety of opportunities for spiritual growth that serves adults, college students, teens, and children.



Senior Fellowship Luncheon: Please join us for lunch on Tuesday, December 10th at 11:30 am at Vallentini’s, 4960 Miller Trunk Highway. We will be meeting in their separate room. Contact Kathy Hedin 651-332-1374 to RSVP or if you have any questions



Call Meeting: We will be having our second call meeting on Thursday, December 12th, following the advent service. All are welcome to attend; childcare will be available.


Advent Services: To accommodate the vacancy schedule, this year’s Advent services will be held on Thursdays, starting December 5th at 7:00 PM. A potluck meal will be held prior to the service, starting at 6:00 PM.


Giving Tree for Women’s Care Center: We’re collecting items for the Women’s Care Center again this year. All are welcome to visit the Giving Tree and select an item to donate. We ask that all items be brought to church by December 15th. Please speak with Kim Kirkland if you have any questions.


Preschool Christmas Program: We are looking for volunteers to help support our Little Lambs by assisting with their upcoming Christmas Program on Wednesday, December 18th at 6 p.m. We are in need of food items, help with set-up, or assistance with clean-up after the event. If you are able to donate food or help, please sigh up here:


Christmas Dates: Please save these dates and plan to join us for:

  • Sunday School Christmas Service: Sunday, December 15th during the 2PM service

  • Preschool Christmas Program: Wednesday, December 18th at 6PM

  • Christmas Eve Worship: Tuesday, December 24th at 6PM

  • Christmas Day Worship: Wednesday, December 25th at 9AM


New Hymnal Fund Update: Through a combination of many generous contributions, and one large gift to the New Hymnal Fund, we have met and exceeded our fundraising goal! We will be purchasing the new hymnal soon and will begin to phase them in. 


Pie Social & Silent Auction: Thank you to everyone who came to the Pie Social & Silent Auction! We had a great turnout, with 70+ people, and raised $1,882 for the local food bank! Thank you also to everyone who donated items, and those who organized and made this event possible. 


Lunches for Called Workers/Preschool Staff: Our Care Committee has been providing a monthly lunch to the preschool called workers and staff. They would like to invite the congregation to help with this by taking turns providing a 2nd monthly lunch! You can sign up for which month you’d like to provide lunch here:
Questions? Speak with Diane Schlossin or any member of the Care Committee.


New Service Time: Moving forward, service times will be adjusted to accommodate our pastoral vacancy. Midweek worship and Sunday morning services are both being temporarily replaced by a single service time at 2:00 on Sunday afternoons. The 2pm service will be followed by Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, and Youth Group from 3:20-4:25. Youth Confirmation class will follow at 5:30pm.


Office Hours: Pastor Warskow’s planned hours of being in Duluth are: Mondays: will be in the office at 9 AM and stay for any meetings that take place in the evenings, Thursdays 2 – 7 PM if anyone needs him for anything.


Prayer Chain Update: The Prayer Chain Committee has discussed some changes to the current prayer chain. Moving forward, prayer requests will be distributed to the entire congregation via email. If you would prefer to receive prayer

requests via phone/text instead of email, please complete this contact form.

Questions? Please speak with one of the Prayer Chain leaders: Jolene Shult, Wanda Altiere, Karen Chui, and Becky Miller.

Prayer Requests: A new contact form has been created for the purpose of easily submitting prayer requests. You can view the form here. This form is available on our website. You are also welcome to submit prayer requests to your Prayer Chain leaders, email to, or speak with church leadership.


SOTH Friday Night Adult D&D Group: It’s not too late to join our four-night adult D&D campaign! November 8 we worked on building characters, but pre-built characters are available for those still wishing to join. Whether you have D&D experience or not, all are invited to join the fun. We’ll meet again December 6 at 6:30 pm. 2025 dates are yet to be determined. If you have any questions, please reach out to Becky Miller, Mark Kleisner, or Peter Moeri.


Parsonage Improvements: While the parsonage is vacant, the Property Committee will be making updates to prepare it for future use. Anyone who would be willing and able to help out can speak with David Hedin. Email or call/text 651-238-7472​


​​Choir Director Needed: Our church is looking for a volunteer to serve as the director of the Adult Church Choir for this fall. If you are interested in serving in this role or have any questions, please speak with leadership. 


Campus Ministry Meals: If you are interested and would like to prepare a meal or buy a meal for the students, please sign up here. Campus Ministry is an excellent opportunity to support and encourage students in their faith while they are away from home and we appreciate all your help! If you have any questions or would like more information, please speak with Peter Moeri.


Women’s Book Group: Calling all Moms! We would love for you to join us in reading “M is for Mama” by Abbie Halberstadt.

The author offers advice, encouragement, and scripturally sound strategies - seasoned with humor and grace - to help you embrace the challenges and see the rewards of Christlike motherhood. Learn more and order your book here:

We started the book on Monday Sept 9 and read one chapter per week until early January.

We will join to share dinner and discussion on: Sunday, October 27th at 6 PM (Chapters 1-6)

Thursday, December 5th at 6 PM (Chapters 7-12)

Thursday, January 9th at 6 PM (Chapters 13-17)

Please join us as we learn and connect with other mothers in our church family. Please contact Kely Dunsmoor if you would like to participate.​


​Women’s Facebook Group: If you haven’t already, join the DuLutheran- Ladies Fellowship Group on FB. You can easily connect with other ladies at SOTH. There are opportunities for fellowship including hikes, berry picking, retreats, book group, event reminders and more.


Altar Flowers: Fresh flowers have been added to the altar area to give God glory and beautify the sanctuary over the past few months. Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far. The chart on the bulletin board by the offices has been updated, and members are encouraged to sign up for a Sunday. Our flower volunteer, Renee Graen, will purchase and place the flowers on the altar. Please indicate if the flowers are in memory of someone or a special occasion. Please donate and contact Renee Graen at 763-607-4498 if you have any questions.


Weekly services, Sundays at 2:00 PM followed by Sunday School, Youth Group, and Adult Bible study.


802 Maple Grove Road

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 722-4364

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